Waggling Finger after beating a wall that he banged into means "AWAS, you bad wall you hit my head"
Looking long at the open cupboard and then looking at Amma means "I know I shouldn't be taking things from the cupboard but I am going ahead to take it now anyway"
Sees picture of Lion on PC screen - Coos and calls it like how he would call the bird with a "come,come" expression
Runs to the water table means " I want to drink water"
Opens and closes his fingers means singing "Shark A Doo, Doo Doo"
Says Pampers, TV, Akka, Kakak, Ammmamamama, Appa, Nenen, Annai, Beat/ Adi, Busuk
Is scared of balloons (even when they are on TV)
Can play hide and seek, catch and thros/ kicks ball perfectly
Is highly fascinated ( and scared) of religious hyms/bhajans...but will continue to stand in front of TV/PC screen that is playing it
Understands "Angkat Kaki" to change pampers/pants
Puts dirty clothes into the laundry basket ( and then digs into it and pulls out other dirty clothes)
Beats own chest to soothe himself after coughing or burping ( will soothe himself even when he hears someone cough)
Steals Amma's pottu and eats it
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